New York: Maiden Lane by Gaslight in 1882


John Stobart is always searching for a new view that would throw a familiar place into a different light. This scene shows the famous South Street as it would appear from the deck of a sailing ship berthed at Pier 17.

Many of South Street's wharves are still in place today, with two or three opposite the Fulton Fish Market still keeping the spirit of the older days alive, playing host to the fine renovated sailing ships Wavertree and Peking and others at the new South Street Seaport Museum.

This viewpoint allowed John to focus on the street as it threaded its way past ships crowded into the port after a shower had soaked the cobblestones. In the center, a hansom cab driver waves to a friend chatting on the sidewalk as he turns to proceed up Maiden Lane, the gas lamps are picking out items of interest in pools of light along the street.

The moonlight allows for the opportunity of using the contrasting cool light of the moon to enhance the warmth of life along the street. This composition required an added dedication to linear structure and perspective, drawing being the key to its success, especially with the foreshortening of the foreground ships.

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